I am very happy to announce that our teachers here at EnglishCool will be heading down to Canberra at the end of January to begin holding OET 4 Day Rapid classes. For far too long, those in our nation’s capital have had little in the way of choice when it came to which English test they would sit. This was due to a lack of available courses and qualified teachers, but will no longer be a hurdle as of 2016.
All aspects of the test will be covered, along with tips and never-before-seen tests to practice. It is a chance for all those eligible to take the Occupational English Test to come along and gain a thorough insight and understanding to help them pass from their very first attempt. This can fast-track you to registration and permanent residency.
So if you are a nurse or doctor, physiotherapist or radiographer, or practice one of the occupations listed below, come and see us in Canberra as of January 2016!
Occupational therapy
Speech pathology
Veterinary science