Medical English

Effective Communication –
It’s not WHAT you say it’s HOW you say it

Okay that may not be entirely accurate when it comes to communicating in the medical field, BUT it does hold some truth – especially concerning tests.
For those healthcare professionals undertaking the clinical examination or completing the OET, effective communication is of the utmost importance. Medical terminology is complex in any language; knowledge of which is essential in your chosen career. For this reason studying such terminology in English will be the foundation towards achieving your goals.
The next step is to learn and practise the correct pronunciation, stress, and then to use this vocabulary in real-life scenarios. Once this is achieved you will need to put it all together to communicate naturally as well as effectively.
For international medical graduates (IMDs) preparing for the clinical examination, such communication skills are as valuable as your acquired medical knowledge itself. You will be required to deal with real medical situations played out with real-life urgency.
For OET students your speaking component is all about communicating through speech alone as your voice is recorded for grading. Your role is to advise, comfort, encourage, persuade and support the patient (role player) through a variety of scenarios.
Such essential skills will follow you the length of your career so an in-depth knowledge of Medical English is a cornerstone for your future.
